Sirius Rocketry - For the Serious Rocketeer!

Odd'l Rockets Kits and Acc.

Odd'l rockets are not just Model Rockets! Interesting, useful and fun products with a twist. Along with their kits, they have some unique accessories as well.

Model Item Image Item Name Price
ODDL Birdie Odd'l Rockets Birdie

Odd'l Rockets Birdie

The Odd'l Rockets Birdie is an actual FLYING badminton shuttlecock with featherweight recovery. Easy to build, quick to prep, and fun to fly you...


ODDL Break-Away Odd'l Rockets Break-Away

Odd'l Rockets Break-Away

Based on the old out-of-production "Wiggler" rocket, the Odd'l Rockets Break-Away is a much-improved version.  Featuring a long...


ODDL Cyclone Odd'l Rockets Cyclone

Odd'l Rockets Cyclone

The Odd'l Rockets Cyclone uses a very unique soft-landing method that is used in nature.  Ever see a Maple seed "helicopter down? ...

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ODDL F-104 Odd'l Rockets Fighter Fleet F-104 Starfighter

Odd'l Rockets Fighter Fleet F-104 Starfighter

The ODDL Rockets F-104 Starfighter is based on the classic Centuri Fighter Fleet series kit, with many improvements:   * The wings and fins are...


ODDL F-16 Odd'l Rockets Fighter Fleet F-16

Odd'l Rockets Fighter Fleet F-16

The ODDL Rockets F-16 is based on the classic Centuri Fighter Fleet series kit, with many improvements:   * The wings and fins are laser-cut...


ODDL F-18 Odd'l Rockets Fighter Fleet F-18 Hornet

Odd'l Rockets Fighter Fleet F-18 Hornet

The ODDL Rockets F-18 Hornet   * The wings and fins are laser-cut balsa. * Clear Vacuform Canopy * Water Slide Decals * Heavy wall BT-50H...


ODDL Little Green Man Odd'l Rockets Little Green Man

Odd'l Rockets Little Green Man

For kids of all ages!  Yes, there ARE little green men, and they fly!  ODD'L Rockets Little Green Man is fun to build, and cute to...


ODDL Pigasus Odd'l Rockets Pigasus

Odd'l Rockets Pigasus

"When pigs fly!" Next time someone says that to you, show them that pigs can indeed fly with the Odd'l Rockets Pigasus kit! This pig of...


ODDL Sputnik Odd'l Rockets Sputnik

Odd'l Rockets Sputnik

One of the first kits from another manufacturer that we had on the Sirius Rocketry site years ago in the beginning was the Vaughn Brothers Rocketry...

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ODDL Adeptor Odd'l Rockets Adeptor Camera Tripod Adapter

Odd'l Rockets Adeptor Camera Tripod Adapter

Face it, as I get older, the less I like getting down to the ground to hook up clips on a small model rocket launch pad. Years ago, I converted a...


ODDL Raise Spring Odd'l Rockets Raise Spring

Odd'l Rockets Raise Spring

The Odd'l Rockets Raise Launch Rod Adjustment Spring takes the place of empty motor casings , charred and dirty clothespins or messy tape to prop...


ODDL Raise Spring 10pk Odd'l Rockets Raise Spring 10-Pack

Odd'l Rockets Raise Spring 10-Pack

10-Pack The Odd'l Rockets Raise Launch Rod Adjustment Spring takes the place of empty motor casings , charred and dirty clothespins or messy tape...


ODDL HDEM55 Odd'l Rockets HDEM-55 Heavy-Duty Motor Mount Kit

Odd'l Rockets HDEM-55 Heavy-Duty Motor Mount Kit

Odd'l Rockets HDEM (Heavy-Duty Engine Mount)  Heavy-Duty 18mm Engine mount for BT-55 Tubes   Features: Extended Length Spring...


ODDL HDEM60 Odd'l Rockets HDEM-60 Heavy-Duty Motor Mount Kit

Odd'l Rockets HDEM-60 Heavy-Duty Motor Mount Kit

Odd'l Rockets HDEM (Heavy-Duty Engine Mount)  Heavy-Duty 18mm Engine mount for BT-60 Tubes   Features: Extended Length Spring...


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