Sirius Rocketry - For the Serious Rocketeer!

Aerotech RMS 24/40 Motor Complete

Sale: $65.44

  • Model: ARO-91241
  • Manufactured by: AeroTech

The infamous Aerotech 24/40 casing packs the power of E and F motors into a casing the size of a standard black powder D!

This casing was designed to be the one to add more "grunt" to kits that take the 2.75" long black powder D motors. Take this casing, add an Aerotech 24/40 reload kit, and get kicking power in the same space as the black powder D's! Mean Machines on F12's, well, cool!

Uses reloads ARO 40904, 40907, 41504, 41507, 51003, 51804, 51807, 52804, 52807, 61203, 61205, 62404, 62407, 63906, 63909

Kit contains the Casing, Forward Closure, Aft Closure, Usage Instructions, and a 1cc packet of synthetic grease.

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