Sirius Rocketry - For the Serious Rocketeer!

AeroTech Economax F67-9W 29mm Single-Use Motor (2-pack)

Sale: $37.39

  • Model: ARO-66709
  • Manufactured by: AeroTech

AeroTech Economax F67-9W Super White Lightning Single-Use 29mm Motor 2-pack

AeroTech is very excited to announce the arrival of the F67W Economax™ rocket motor. The F67W is the 3rd addition to the Economax line of motors, which use AeroTech’s Super White Lightning™ propellant. With a propellant weight of only 30 grams, the F67W becomes the highest total impulse single-use motor that can be shipped via the U.S. Postal Service with no hazmat fee.

“Composite Performance at Black Powder Prices” is the slogan for the Economax line of model rocket motors from AeroTech, and the F67W delivers on that by providing over 61 N-sec of total impulse. The F67W is available in time delays of 4, 6 and 9 seconds. AeroTech’s Economax composite motors have significantly more power than similar size Estes® black powder motor, have higher average thrust, and are up to 43% lighter. The result: it’s like putting a “Bolt of Lightning in Your Rocket!”

As with the other motors in the Economax line of rocket motors, the F67W is being offered in packs of two and at a revolutionary price point. The retail price of a pack of two Economax F67W motors is $28.99, just slightly above the retail price of a pack of two Estes® F15 motors.

Some of the features and benefits of the F67W Economax motor:

  • Easy and quick ignition for fast and stable liftoffs

  • Able to fly all model rockets with up to 3.3 lbs total weight (using the 4 second delay)

  • “High-solids” propellant with higher specific impulse (Isp), high density and higher burn rate

  • Relatively flat thrust curve to increase average operating pressure

NAR certified motor specifications:


Time Delays: 4, 6 & 9 seconds
Dimensions: 29mm x 83mm
Total Impulse: 61.12 newton-seconds (vs. 49.61 for an Estes® F15)
Peak Thrust: 86 Newtons
Average Thrust: 69 Newtons
Propellant mass: 30 grams
Loaded Mass: 80 grams (vs. 104 grams for an Estes® F15)
Retail Price: $28.99 (pack of two)
U.S.P.S. Mailable: Yes (vs. no for an Estes® F15)

No user certification is necessary to purchase the F67W. All Economax motors include FirstFire Mini™ igniters.

Ways we can ship this product:

Parcel Post (no additional fee)
FedEx Ground ($54.00 HAZMAT Fee) Add Hazmat fee to your cart here

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